We recently warmly welcomed David Bryson-Sharples into the role of Central Operations Manager here at VervLife.
A Cheshire native and all-round good guy, David has consulted on, mobilised and managed some of the most progressive BtR developments in the North and Midlands, joining us with exactly the right mix of skills and experience we were after in this important position.
We asked David to take five minutes out from mobilising our next multi-family community in the Midlands to tell us a little bit more about himself.
Why VervLife then, David?
I’ve followed VervLife since inception in mid-2021. I was mostly excited about the possibility of working within a new venture, where I could take previous lessons learnt in the BtR sector, and ultimately help to change and improve on the legacy property management approach.
After meeting the team and hearing about their vision and plans within BtR, it was a no-brainer to get involved!
Are you having fun so far?
Yes, actually! I’ve really enjoyed being given the opportunity to put forward new ideas and thinking about how we can improve back-end processes in order to make the resident experience we offer as positive as it can be.
Great answer. What else do you do for fun, apart from working with us?
I like to travel – the pandemic obviously put that on pause but I managed to get to New York City over Christmas, I’ve got a yacht trip in Croatia booked for summer and skiing for the winter. My partner and I have just bought our first home together so I’m also hopeful that DIY and home renovation ends up on this list considering how much of it we have to do!
So where is your favourite travel destination?
Anywhere at the top of a mountain with skis on my feet and fresh snow underneath them.
Back to talking shop. What makes a good BtR community?
I think a good BtR community can mostly be supported by an operator through doing the basics really, really well. Setting the tone from move-in is key, as is an efficient approach to problem solving and great customer service with enthusiasm and a smile. Extras like amenity spaces, residents initiatives and events are all great add-ons – but keeping someone’s day to day living experience pain-free and enjoyable is what makes them choose to stay long-term and will be what differentiates BtR from old school private landlords.
Final question. What is your favourite food so we know which restaurant to book on your birthday?
Pretty much anything Italian – all pizza is good pizza!
Wait, even the ones with pineapple on?
No, of course not. Tropical fruit is for cocktail garnish and fruit salads only.
If you say so, David…